to the many wonderful people
from around the world
who have provided me with
encouragement and assistance.
But first and foremost, on behalf of all of us, I must say
THANKS to Philip Lynott R.I.P.
for the wonderful legacy of music that he left for us to enjoy.

The above photo © Copyright Banshee Soft
Thanks to EVERYONE who has written
with their kind words of support,
or with updated information, scans or pictures,
but especially the following people:

The above photo © Copyright ERIC BELL

Grand Slam's Mark Stanway
Photo © Copyright 1974 Andy Gee

ANDY GEE: "Thanks for putting me on the map.
You were one of the few who wanted to set the record straight
and I will always be eternally grateful to you for that."

Photo © Copyright 1982 Sean O'Connor
(shown with 2 SPECIAL GUESTS).
Sean O'Connor, Scott Gorham, Mike Nesbur and Phil Lynott
Dawn Poole, USA (with the FIRST, and long running Thin Lizzy tribute site)
Quique, Spain (The Official Eric Bell Band site)
Terraplane Tommy (YouTube), Germany
Andy Gee (Thin Lizzy 1974)
Jakson Spires (Southern Rock Allstars)
Sean O'Connor (the Lookalikes)
Mark Stanway (Grand Slam)
Soren Lindberg (and Robbo)
Sue Peters from The Official Thin Lizzy site
Sue Goulding from homeland (the Midge Ure site)
Adriano Di Ruscio
Rick Jacobson, USA
Roger Costa, Canada
Don Bolster, USA
Lars Brundin, Sweden
Cerise Reed at Extreme Voice (Official Ultravox fan club)
Lisa (Lisa's Counting Crows Shrine), USA
Peter Nielsen (thinlizzyguide.com)
the incomparable 'Miss Lizzy', USA
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
and the many wonderful webmasters of
other websites from around the world.
Thanks also to the following fans for their support
and/or contributions to the website:
Sandy Milne, Scotland
Phil Osborne, Scotland
Faither Jack, Scotland
Nick Sharp, UK
Claus Johansen, Denmark
Rick Jacobson, USA
Dave Mathis, USA
Magnus Osenius, Sweden
Ton Kooistra, Nederland
markfromeire, Sweden
Colin Dean, Ireland
Bruce Albertson Jr.
Graham Hart, UK
Morris Ballard (USA?)
Rik Walton, UK
Magnus Berglund, Sweden
Luiz Galvao, Brazil
Richard Ward, UK
Allen Tabor, USA
Anssi Mehtala, Finland
Glenn Wrigley, USA
Jarmo Vuorimak, Finland
Kevin Julie, Canada
Dave Edwards, UK
Lars Brodin, Sweden
Anita Westby, Norway
Bootz Mercer, USA
Ola Holmroos, Sweden
Tore Svedberg, Sweden
Brian Cuffe, Ireland
Martin Stassen, Nederland
Kjell Henriksson, Sweden
Alun Williams, USA/UK
Adrian Romero, USA
Tony Powell, USA
Steven Springs, USA
Albert Kreis , USA
Stefanos Butios, Greece
Timo Peterse, Nederland
Anthony Sudworth, UK
Gordon Darrock, Scotland
Max Robinson
Mario König, Germany
Mark Magnusson, Sweden
Ronan Meyler, Ireland
Bernd Mueller, Germany
Bruce Albertson
Marilyn Lawson, Canada
Craig Simcox, Ireland
Paul Wattam, UK
Michael O'Flanagan, Ireland
John Maguire, Ireland
Wolfgang Guerster, Germany
Clive James Bolger, Ireland
Tracy Cole & her students
Valerie Watson, Canada
Zoe, Magic, Amy, Amber. Bruno and Frankie
and to music lovers EVERYWHERE.